Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Gunslinger Grant.

With the Holidays and all that I took a break, but I'm back and with a new friend! This is a character I completed called Gunslinger Grants. I like the way he came out, and if an idea hits me he may be the first character I use in a game. Without further ado, here is Gunslinger Grant.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Normal Norman.

Welcoming Norman to the group! That makes three complete, and one with no arms haha. This guy is simple, just wanted to push another character out. I'm attempting to learn how to use Blender, and Unity so I can set up a mock scene with the three, but that is proving more difficult than I wish to tackle at the moment. Soon......Sooooonnnnnnnnnnn..

Friday, December 19, 2014

A Humble Home.

Not quite done with this one, but I wanted to try my hand at creating a building, and I'm kinda digging this one, for my first try I believe it turned out pretty well. I still have a lot more to learn, and a lot more practicing to do, but I'm proud of the progress I've been making.

Hammer of War.

After working on the Victory Sword, I wanted to work on more weapons because, who doesn't like weapons? This one I am calling Hammer of War, it hasn't seen any war, but who is to say something can't call itself something that it hasn't done?!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Victory Sword.

More practice, after some feedback on the first sword I did, I went back and took the advice and attempted to create a better looking sword.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Anston & Alez.

After finishing up the templates from the last post, I wanted to add a bit more detail to one of them so see how a fully done character would look. Below are two, currently going by Anston and Alez, Not sure if I'll do anything with them, but just wanted to see how it all looked when colored, and hair added. More to come later, but for now enjoy these two, and if you feel like leaving feedback, please do so below in the comment section.

Body Template Comparisons.

I don't usually post back to back, but I went back into the character and tweeked a few things to see if I could give the template a bit more character, and to see if I liked one style more than the other. Being this is like my baby I can't decide, so I'm asking for feedback on which design/style looks the best out of the three slightly different templates. Comment below to let me know what you think!

Front shot of Body Template 1.
Body Template 1 (Face, Shoulders, and Hands original).

Front shot of Body Template 2.
Body Template 2 (Face and Hands original, Shoulders thicker).

Front shot of Body Template 3.
Body Template 3 (Head/Face changed, Shoulders ticker, and Hands edited).